On Wednesday, March 16th, 2011, I got a call from my mom to tell me my aunt, Kathy, wouldn't be at choir practice. I thought this was the call I had been waiting for since my cousin, Kim, was supposed to be giving birth soon. However, Kathy's absence was due to a different entrance into the world - my aunt and uncle's dog, affectionately referred to as Little Girl, gave birth to seven beautiful puppies. I LOVE puppies, and we haven't had any in the family for far too long so it was all I could do to make myself go to choir practice instead of going to see them immediately. After work the next day though, I picked Tom up and dragged him straight over there to meet them.
I just love newborn puppies - the way they fit in your hands, the way they grunt and sniff when they move around, how warm and soft they are. I was smitten to say the least. Tom being a cat person all his life (bless his heart!) was not well-acquainted with dogs of any age, but he couldn't resist the pups either. We went to see the puppies pretty regularly after that.
We had been talking about what we would do about pets - Tom wanted a cat. I wanted a dog. We had decided we would get a puppy and a kitten at the same time so that they could grow up together and get along. Since we were in the midst of building a house and had just gotten married, we decided we would wait a while so that we would be more settled and ready to care for the animals. But as usual, God's timing was totally different and totally better than ours.
(this is the night we brought her home - after a trip to Petco, trying on her collar and leash for the first time, and having her first bath, she was tuckered to say the least)
Believe it or not, Tom is actually the one that suggested we take one of the puppies. I was shocked and elated. We felt like this was a great opportunity we couldn't pass up, and I'm so glad we did. Daisy has been such a joy to both of us. We have spent hours just watching her play. Now, don't get me wrong - sometimes, I want to choke her! Like when she insists on chewing on my hands instead of her toy or how she runs from me when I try to put her in her crate, but all the while, she is so unbelievably cute, I can't stay mad at her too long. Crazy Daisy definitely keeps things interesting for us and lives up to her nickname. I have had and known many dogs in my life, and I am well-aware that they all have their quirks and personalities. But Daisy does some of the weirdest things I've ever seen a dog do.
1. She routinely eats half her food - as in like someone drew a line straight down the middle of her bowl. If you shake it to reallocate the kernals, she'll eat half again. ???
2. She won't go in her dog house, but she likes to sit on top of it.
3. She LOVES socks - I mean, she'll root through a stack of clothes, clean or dirty, and pull out socks. She has also learned how to open my sock drawer to help herself whenever she thinks I'm not watching.
4. She LOVES napkins - as in, she'd rather eat napkins than food. True story - several times, she's gotten on the table and gone after our napkins instead of our food!
5. Lastly, she burps like a 300 pound sailor. I think she gets this from her Uncle David. At least it's cute when she does it :-)
She's also really smart, but I will cut to the pictures - I know that's what you're here for anyway!
(also, if you spill her food, she HAS to clean it all up - she's a little OCD)
(Isn't she beautiful?)